Dru Warmath's paintings convey what she feels about a subject rather than what she sees. Her "Intimate Spaces" series invites us to move into the space and explore the subtle nuances and enjoy the surprises. Dru creates a world of expressive color harmonies in this series.
Other continuing series include "Hikers", a group of paintings based on a favorite family activity in the Blue Ridge Mountains, as well as "Coastal Landscapes" an on-going series based on her love of the coast in South Carolina, a place she still calls home.
Dru has been a full-time, professional artist since 1991. She is an elected member of the National Watercolor Society and her paintings have received major awards in numerous regional and national shows.
Artist Statement:
The content in my work has to do with relationships, both with each other and with nature. I use my response to something I have seen or the emotion I have felt about a particular subject to design each piece. Working with abstracted shapes and conceptual color I hope to engage the viewer in these relationships.